Jom semua kita join Anic Sew Along, kali nie jahit patchwork wallet tau!! dulu nurul ter'miss jom jahit wallet Tinihani so this time mesti la nak join..

Ni la patchwork wallet yg bakal dijahit, tutorial click sini atau leh refer translation & tunjuk ajar di blog Anic
Ini pula shedule utk menjahit yg di suggest oleh kak Anic, very flexible bagi crafter partimer macam nurul nie:
1) Week 1 - 4th - 10th July (Creating the outer piece, Picture 2, 4 & 4)Please note that 0.7 cm seam allowance has been added to the outer fabric pieces. ...DONE ^ ^
2) Week 2 - 11th - 17th July (Making card compartments, Picture 5 & 6)
3) Week 3 - 18th - 24th July (Making the zipper compartment, Picture 7, 8, 9 10)
4) Week 4 - 25th - 31st July (Putting everything together, Picture 11, 12, 13)
2) Week 2 - 11th - 17th July (Making card compartments, Picture 5 & 6)
3) Week 3 - 18th - 24th July (Making the zipper compartment, Picture 7, 8, 9 10)
4) Week 4 - 25th - 31st July (Putting everything together, Picture 11, 12, 13)
Ini outer wallet pilihan nurul, very pinkish...feminin sikit wallet kali nie ^ ^ click picture ye for close up view...Nurul siap jahit dah closure wallet, terus top stitch je kan senang..nak patchwork byk2 x pandai sgt so sikit2 pun jadi la ye, baru la namenye patchwork wallet ^ ^
Ok, next task to make card compartment, kene studi notes Kak Anic dulu baru leh try...wish me luck okay!!
P/S: Jom join Anic Sew along di FB, just search FB name: Anic Sew Along
Ranai juga yang join mcm best la pula ...hope boleh lah juga join
ReplyDeleteSooo cutee...... Like the fabric choices. :)
ReplyDeleteHi Suzie, join-lah... it is so fun. :)